Frequently Asked Questions

The following page covers many of the common questions that we get from users. If you question is not covered below, please email us and we'll try and answer your question.

Q: I've forgotten my password. Can you help?

Yes! you can request a new password yourself any time by going to the login screen and selecting the Forgotten Password? link. Clicking on that link will take youthrough a process that will allow you to reset your password.

Q: Is there a sample site I can refer to?

Yes! We have a couple of demo sites, and these are being enhanced on a regular basis.

For Congregations & Presbyteries click here

Q: Can I upload an PDF for a Newsletter?

Yes you can! Here are the steps:

  1. Upload the PDF to the media folder
  2. Create a page or post to publish the PDF
  3. Link to the PDF from the content area

When you upload files, choose your filenames carefully to keep things organised.

Q: Can I add a YouTube/Vimeo video?

Yes you can! You will add a video using embed tags. (Warning: Advanced Topic!)

For YouTube:

  1. Navigate to the video you want to Embed
  2. Click Share, click Embed and configure the embed options
  3. Copy the Embed tag <iframe ...
  4. Create a page or post to house the video
  5. Switch to HTML view using the <> icon in the WYSIWYG editor
  6. Paste the Embed tag into the HTML at the right spot
  7. Save and publish.

For Vimeo:

  1. Navigate to the video you want to Embed
  2. Click Share, and next to Embed heading click show options
  3. Configure the embed options, copy the embed tag <iframe ...
  4. Create a page or post to house the video
  5. Switch to HTML view using the <> icon in the WYSIWYG editor
  6. Paste the Embed tag into the HTML at the right spot
  7. Save and publish.

(note, these instructions may change if YouTube/Vimeo changes.)

Q: Can I embed my Facebook feed? 

Yes! You can do a lot, but you'll need to read the docs. (Warning: Advanced Topic!)


  1. Read the docs at the link above to see what's possible
  2. Generate the required Embed tag for the item you want to embed
  3. Create a page or post to house the video
  4. Switch to HTML view using the <> icon in the WYSIWYG editor
  5. Paste the Embed tag into the HTML at the right spot
  6. Save and publish.

There are different options covering posts, comments and videos.

Advanced Topics

For items marked as Advanced Topics, you will need to be more technical. You will need to be able to understand some HTML, and you may need to read the docs to understand how it works.

If you are not technical enough to understand the instructions provided, then you may want skip trying to include these on your site.