Who is your audience and how do you communicate with them?

Your primary target audience are people who live or work in your surrounding region and who are looking fir a community of faith for themselves or their family.

Does your community have a range of cultural and ethnic groups in your area?

Do you have a large proportion of 25 - 34 year olds that live in your area?

Your target audience needs to include both Christians and nonChristians who do not currently have a church home. We want to welcome them into our church - regardless of age, ethnicity or family status.

With the understanding that the church gathering on a Sunday is for believers in the body of Christ, we still need to be outward looking and on mission to reach people with the message of the gospel. Therefore, anyone who doesn’t know Jesus is who this website is for.

Think of your website as an engaging advertisement for your community and its many activities. It is outward focussed and everything from the tone of voice to engaging photos help people understand who you are and what you do.

What tone of voice should we use?

What voice do we communicate with?

We want our tone to be warm and welcoming in the way that we communicate. When we speak as a church to seekers we want to be approachable and willing to engage.

The tone of voice should be active, not passive and disengaged. People want a community they can engage with, whether it be on a Sunday or activities offered through the week.

To personify it, think of your church like a friend who is informative, helpful, and provides direction in a warm and welcoming and hospitalble manner.

Our tone is loving, informative, fun, and energetic.